Completed the entire route without deviations and crossed the finish line in style! This list is provided in the order of arrival at the finish line. |
Riders who departed Raid City with every intent of completing the ride with good standing but either left the route for an extended period, received a speeding ticket, or withdrew due to personal reasons. Whether they wrecked or ran out of time, money or the inclination to finish, these hard core riders had the fortitude to take the Challenge!
#990 - Carl Harris
#996 - Patrick Cornell
#1047 - AJ Hanson
#1025 - Craig Watters
#1092 - Mike Worcester
#897 - Jeff Wyatt
#845 - Mike Thomas
#994 - Matt Busch
#900 - Dave Fournier
#831 - Rob Talbett Jr
#971 - Chris Mosher
#1060 - Charles Richardson
#1099 - Kimberly Walling
#878 - Jason Miller
#1081 - Lionel Ramos
#1008 - Peter Milani
#1056 - Gregg Szakmeister
#925 - Cathy Carter
#736 - Billy Fultz
#983 - Steve Roark
#1088 - Michelle Feddersen
#899 - Richard Eastman
#1101 - Brian Ridgway
#733 - Eric Buskell
#1059 - Lucas Harvey
#1044 - Tim Marsh
#1112 - Craig Johnson
#164 - Gary Trumper
#190 - Chris Drake
#932 - Dean Luptak
#874 - Brian Deml
#976 - Ron Duda
#844 - Bruce Rimes
#1054 - Wayne Skinner
#319 - RIP Alexander
#67 - Mike Conner
#875 - Rick McLeod
#972 - Mike McLeod
#785 - Matt Wolf
#950 - Jeremy Buechner
#1014 - Scottie Ray
#888 - Tom Snowden
#1046 - Trevor Blouin
#1072 - Nancy Webb
#1065 - Alexander Brown
#1071 - John Wuestman
#913 - Joe Mears
#1010 - Joao Mendonca
#979 - Wade Chauncey
#964 - Ignacio Merani
#857 - Aaron Dearth
#1020 - Jason Rodden
#1058 - Aaron Potter
#1087 - Mark Foxwell
#836 - Jim Fish
#1075 - Matt Scott
#1110 - Michelle Gilder
#1004 - Jocelyn Lummis
#1033 - Louis Bergeron
#991 - Greg Smith
#1005 - Fred Biglin
#1001 - Kory Wilson
#1090 - Tammy Colbert
#1053 - Tom Gately
#987 - John Russell
#1013 - Andy Dennis
#984 - Jimmy Hopkins
#1070 - Don Drasheff
#1098 - Mike Lamb
#1050 - Jason Brown
#1086 - Mike Moore
#961 - Jack Dressler
#1095 - Branden Johnson
#1012 - Larry Robertson
#725 - Rich Griffith
#982 - Billy Knoll
#1018 - Andy Norrie
#1067 - Alan Beghtol
#1027 - Cheyenne Beatty
#1116 - Dustyn Monismith
#1045 - Tommy Myrick
#1000E - Ed Maulbeck
#1000T - Terry Mathes
#618 - KC Aston
#848 - Jimmy Milas
#1042 - Randy Priddy
#1034 - Barry Salway
#83 - Lee Smith
#1114 - Brandon Cummings
#952 - Charlotte White
#956 - Julie Sirey
#1109 - Frank Nicholson
#1103 - Nathan McGuire
#1029 - Mike Torres
#804 - Gabe Carrera
#1048 - Jamess Mooney
#1019 - Jon Fredrickson
#85 - Chuck Marble
#1068 - Felix Santiago
#1002 - Sheldon Chaffer
#1104 - Zeb Dannar
#1105 - Amanda Dannar
#1038 - Gene Fiamma
#1023 - Keith Herve
#1024 - Jeff Larsen
#1057 - Tim Owens
#1084 - Charlie Miller
#1063 - Shaun Rapp
#1108 - James Fletcher
#794 - Bob Stegeman
#1052 - Derek Iltis
#640 - John Ibbitson
#1039 - Jim Hamphire
#997 - Ralph Willit
#981 - Henry Lecomte
#1085 - Randy Chambless
#917 - Louis Preciado
#1078 - Max Guillen
#951 - Brent Castleberry
#978 - Aubrey Stevens
#1064 - Dawn Davis
#954 - Steve Davis
#842 - Joe Connors
#1009 - Tracey Bailey
#??? - Unnamed Rider
#939 - Robert Goffinski
#998 - Jason Jenkins
#1032 - James Coyle
#71 - Gene Adee
#116 - Jim Herold
#215 - Kelly Cook
#290 - Walter Ledig
#323 - Dale Martin
#621 - Ken Miltimore
#719 - Abby Van Vlerah
#750 - George Jackman
#788 - Ed Frank
#803 - Shannon McKinley
#843 - Steve Janzan
#846 - Abby Spaedt
#853 - Tom Suzor
#863 - Kenneth Andrews
#867 - Brad Edmonds
#895 - Bill Ryan
#902 - Ken Brooks
#903 - David Uhl
#916 - Peter Perry
#937 - Chris Hopper
#942 - Julie Nordskog
#944 - Jay Gleason
#955 - Shareef Assadiq
#967 - Jon Meadows
#969 - Lindsey Lewis
#980 - Jim Hollister
#985 - Val Stewart
#986 - Travis Chauncey
#1003 - Mark Keating
#1015 - Rick Rogers
#1035 - Joe Houseworth
#1037 - Robert Koelzer
#1040 - Robert Govier
#1041 - Ruby Izquierdo
#1043 - Keith Johnson
#1049 - Bernard Weiss
#1051 - Scott Brown
#1055 - Kevin "Bam" Baker
#1062 - Manny Duran
#1066 - Andrea Tooley
#1069 - Joe Bookataub
#1073 - Chris Ferguson
#1076 - Michael Cole
#1077 - Ernie McIntosh
#1080 - Rob Lunn
#1082 - Jeff Hallquist
#1083 - Phil Grove
#1089 - Charles McGahagin
#1091 - Chris Passmore
#1093 - Paul Denton
#1094 - Dwight Underwood
#1096 - Sandra Wallace
#1097 - Greg Haynes
#1100 - Mike Neale
#1106 - Bill Lynn
#1107 - John Viessman
#1111 - Crush Estrada
#1115 - Chris Comly