Jim Red Cloud
1955 - 2017
The concept of the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge™ came to Jim in the form of a dream—one thousand warriors riding one thousand horses charging into battle to defend the weak and innocent, to be a force that would bring justice to those wronged, and to stand in the gap between despair and hope.
To say Jim Red Cloud, of the Lakota Nation, was controversial would be an understatement. Sometimes that controversy would be thrust upon him through no fault of his own, while other times he would boldly step into the fray to fight a battle he believed in; he was a force to be reckoned with. Another truth about Jim that cannot be denied was the size of his heart. He was compassionate about what he believed in and stood his ground when faced with an immovable obstacle. He portrayed this level of determination with regard to the Hoka Hey Motorcycle Challenge™. He ensured the Challenge was not just another motorcycle event but rather formulated a concept that sharpened iron. He ensured any who participated in the Challenge would cross the finish line a better person; it was his guidance, direction, and support that made the Challenge what it is. By his actions he created a family that spans the globe and we are a better people because of it. He restored hope in those who needed it and gave us all a venue whereby we could accept responsibility, face our demons, and find a level of courage we did not know we possessed.
To any who participated in the Challenge, Jim was more than just the event organizer, he was a friend, a brother, and a mentor and he gave a piece of himself to all who knew him. Jim is gone but that piece of him that lives in all who knew him drives us; we take that responsibility seriously.